
CLH was eligible for pre-tax deduction of public welfare donations in 2022-2024

2023-1-10 10:56/ 发布者: Jay/ 查看: 989/ 评论: 0

      A few days ago, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a notice on the adjustment matters related to the confirmation and approval of the pre-tax deduction qualification of public welfare donations, and published the list of pre-tax deduction qualification of public welfare social organizations in 2022–2024 and 2023–2025. China Liver Health was among them.

      Click the original link to view the details: https://szs.mof.gov.cn/zhengcefabu/202301/t20230109_3862449.htm

What is public welfare donation?

What does it mean to qualify for pre-tax deduction of donations?

Source: China's social organization dynamics


